MMS: Feb 19 - 21, 2019, Yosemite National Park, CA, USA

Winter 2019 MMS Community Workshop


Below is a list of presentations from the MMS Community Science Workshop.

Name Title
Argall, Matt: How neutral is quasi-neutral:
Charge Density in the Reconnection Diffusion Region Observed by MMS
Broll, Jef: Structure and evolution of dayside magnetopause reconnection exhaust
Burch, Jim: Perspectives on Reconnection and MMS
Chasapis, Alexandros: Observations of energy dissipation in reconnecting current sheets in the magnetosheath
Cohen, Ian: Energetic Particle Injections: A tutorial
Denton, Richard: Test of Polynomial Reconstruction of the Magnetic Field
Dors, Ivan: 2nd Order Field Reconstruction: Method and Applications
Drake, Jim: Energy dissipation and particle acceleration during magnetic reconnection
Escoubet, Philippe: (presented by Steven Petrinec):
Upcoming candidate MMS-Cluster-THEMIS conjunctions within the magnetosheath, at the magnetopause and the LLBL
Genestreti, Kevin: The electron diffusion region:
Key discoveries in the MMS era​
Goodrich, Katy: Impulsively Reflected Ions: A New Theory for Ion Acoustic Wave Growth in Collisionless Shocks
Grimes, Eric: pySPEDAS: Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software in Python
H​wang, Joo: Multi-scale Investigations of Flux Transfer Events and Kelvin-Helmholtz waves
Liu, Yi-Hsin: Progress toward resolving Magnetic Reconnection Rate Problem
Marshall, Andrew: Electron Acceleration during September 8, 2018
Mauk, Barry: Investigation of mass/species-dependent escape of energy ions across the magnetopauses of Earth and Jupiter
Nakamura, Rumi: MMS observations of magnetotail reconnection
Nakamura, Takuma: Mass and energy transfer across the Earths magnetopause caused by the vortex-induced reconnection during northward IMF
Øieroset, Marit: Reconnection with magnetic flux pileup at the interface of converging jets at the magnetopause
Schwartz, Steven: High-resolution measurements of the cross-shock potential, ion reflection, and electron heating at an interplanetary shock by MMS
Shuster, Jason: Elucidating the Electron Diffusion Region in the MMS Era:
Observations and Simulations of Symmetric and Asymmetric Reconnection
Sun, Weijie: MMS study of the structure and evolution of ion-scale flux ropes in the Earth’s cross-tail current sheet
Swisdak, Marc: Turbulence in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Guide-Field Magnetopause Reconnection
Toledo-Redondo, Sergio: Multiple ion temperatures in collisionless plasmas: a review on the effects on magnetic reconnection in the dayside magnetosphere
Wang, Shan: Ion dynamics during magnetotail reconnection
Webster, James: Simultaneous Electron Diffusion Regions at the Magnetopause